evolution-host.com目前为开发者提供免费的VPS,最高提供配置为8GB of DDR4 RAM, 4 Powerful CPU cores & DDoS Protection,我自己申请得到的回复是可以提供Developer套餐。

2 CPU Cores at 4Ghz+
40GB SSD Storage
1Gb/s Port
20TB Monthly Transfer1
Advanced DDoS Protection
Linux Distributions
Europe/US Locations



We do not accept applications for websites of a pornographic nature. Site popularity and relevancy will be the biggest deciding factor for each applicant.
Don't worry if you feel your website won't be eligible for the spec mentioned above, we may be able to offer you an alternate free VPS package.
A brief mention of Evolution Host will be requested for inclusion on the website of successful applicants.


I can confirm that your site is eligible for the Developer VPS package (https://evolution-host.com/vps-hosting.php?package=Developer) should the following criteria be met:
You post a short article about Evolution Host. The article should contain a direct link to Evolution Host and the link should appear on your homepage, permanently.
Once the link/short article has been published, we can get your VPS deployed for you. As long as the link remains active and on the madlax.pw homepage, your VPS will remain yours, permanently.
